One Liner 🗣️

Help readers understand succinctly understand what you’re looking to test, or understand

Story 📚

As a premium, limited, new visitor, business owner, flexible traveler
I want to

Assumptions 🤔

What must be true about our users or technical implementation that we’re trying to test

Hypothesis ⚗️

Based on the assumptions above what changes do we think we should make, and what impact do we think it will have?

Solution We bet *change we’re making*
Opportunity Will (produce) *problem we’re solving*
Audience For *user segment/our target user*
Outcome And will (impact) *change in behavior*

Acid Test 🧪

What decision will we make based on the results of the test? We should define this before, rather than after the test, so we don’t bias our thinking.

<aside> 📌 Note: This doesn’t alway have to be broken out by user segment


Outcome Decision we’ll make
Trial to paid goes down Don’t ship, but talk to users
Trial to paid is flat Ship, but commit to iterating
Trial to paid goes up Ship, and move on