What are you looking to learn or impact? If there’s additional context around why you’d like to measure this change, add it below your one liner.
One liner**: Please add it here
Opportunity: Add the customer sentiment you believe you’ll be solving for here
Context**: We think x will cause y for z reason
X% of [new, trialing] users
Where in the product experience are you making this change?
Onboarding, limited member email, etc
Type | Variant |
Control | Copy or behavior today |
Treatment B | Customers will see x on page y |
Treatment C | if applicable |
How long will we watch?
We’ll keep an eye on this for x days/weeks
How will you measure the change?
Engagement: They clicked took the action we wanted them to
CTR:they hit the button we wanted
Outcome | Conclusion we’ll make |
CTR increases | We’ll know which language works best on this page |
Engagement decreases | We’ll know this change isn’t having the desired effect |